The practice of tattooing is not a new form of art, and neither is the tribal shoulder tattoo. This form of customary art has been documented by scientists and has been discovered on frozen mummified remains that are at least five thousand years old.
Egyptian mummies have also been discovered that were adorned with elaborate body art which are also known as tattoos. Works of art depicted on cave walls believed to be around 30000 yrs old have been discovered which show tattoo clad humans. This form of marking has been around for a long, long time and is being revived.
Personalize Your StyleDepending on your own cultural background, there are many different styles of a tribal shoulder tattoo to choose from which include Native Indian, African, Egyptian, Aztec, Hawaiian, Maori, Samoan, Northwest American Indian, Pacific Northwest American Indian, South Pacific Indigenous, Polynesian, Micronesian, Eskimo, Chinese, Asian, Buddhist, Hindu and the list goes on.
Ritualistic WearWicca, Gothic, Deities, Heraldic, and others considered to be magical and are also very personal types of tattoos people take very seriously, as these arts, even though to some are considered to be mythological are nonetheless very real, as is voodoo, another form of tribal custom. A tattoo would indicate the location of magical powers.
You may find a tribal shoulder tattoo that depicts a fraternity or military emblem. There are many forms of tribes in the world today. Modern day gangs are considered to be tribes, as each will have a distinct mark of their own.
In the early Northwest, tattoos on a female would identify her village. A man who had killed an enemy in battle way up in Alaska would be adorned with a certain tattoo. Body art in this day has taken a less ritualistic air, but their meaning and symbolisms have not changed to a great extent.
What a certain symbol means may be too abstract for identification at a passing glance, but has deep meaning to the person who wears it. The location of a tattoo can have special meaning as well.
The Maori tribe is known for facial tattoos. They believe that your deceased loved ones will recognize you by the tattoo worn on your face. No two people wear the same tattoo for this reason. They believe that when you die, the light will pass through you but the tattoo will be visible and show your identity.
If you have a strong connection with your own heritage, do some research into the past. You are sure to come across the perfect tribal shoulder tattoo for you. Wear it with pride.